Friday, May 15, 2009

If you have a newborn, or a kid with a birthday coming up, you can do a photography session for them for $50! Wohoo! I always get my kids pictures taken for their birthday, and now that I have 3, the thought of spending $300 getting their pictures taken at a studio (which would be a nightmare in itself) makes me want to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over my head. So, I figure $50 is a good deal to do a birthday shoot for your little ones. We'll throw in some props (like balloons!) and head to some fun locations so your child will actually like to get their picture taken. And at $50, you can get sessions done with your baby as they grow so you have awesome pictures of each stage. Check my website for more details!


Fawn Becker said...

Hi Rosemary! Your blog and website are cuter by the day! I really want to get our pics done but Fran HATES having pics taken, what a crank! I know you are super busy but if you can come to the kid's birthday party, bring your hubby too.

Fawn Becker said...

Oh yes it was the Golden Dragon and it was CRAP! We mailed you an invite but maybe we did not put enough postage on it??? Anywhoo...the party is Sat. the 23rd (next sat) at 10:30 (no gifts) and we are filling up little pools for the kids so bring or wear swimsuit and towels. I am excited to see you guys!!