Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today we are making bread. The bread we are making today is from this cookbook.The good news is that it is delicious and easy. The bad news is that Europeans have a different way of cooking than Americans. Everything over there is measured by weight, not by volume. That means instead of 4 cups of flour, 1 Tbs of yeast, and 1 1/2 cups of 75 degree F water, the recipe calls for 350 grams of 23 degree Celsius water, 15 grams of yeast, and 500 grams of "strong flour". This just means all purpose flour. I kept the recipe the same because 1) it is not my recipe, 2) there are in fact some people who read this blog that are in Europe (I've checked) and 3) its going to be a learning experience for some of us. Don't be afraid to try new recipes. We're gonna get crazy here and probably make some croissants, macarons, baguettes and other wonderful things that you may never even thought to try to make yourself. But I say, if the French can do it on a daily basis, then I got this. Try this bread out, and for other European recipes go here to convert. Or buy a food scale, whichever works.

P.S.- Guys, I NEVER label posts, but I'm gonna go back and try to label everything so you don't have to search for days and days to find what you are looking for. That was dumb of me.


Unknown said...

yeah... i'm going to be the dumbass who will need the conversion. thank god for google.

Calli O. said...

Ya, I love to cook/try new things but bread is the one that I always hesitate with just because it takes patience and yeast growing, waiting ect. Maybe this will be a good exercise in patience for me. We'll see. I'm a quick bread muffin girl...