Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Olivia turns 2

My baby girl Olivia Rose Watson turned 2 yesterday. Its crazy seeing how fast babies change as they grow up. I always thought she was so cute when she was born and just itty bitty, but really newborns are not cute. They're really wrinkly and weird. But they're sweet just the same. She has definitely gotten cuter as she's gotten older, that's for sure! Now we are going to have another sweet wrinkly baby girl to love.


manders said...

oh rose, you have such a cute little (or not so little) family!!! seriously, olivia is to die for!!! its good to see what you are up to, and you're right...this blogging stuff is addicting, but i love it!

Anonymous said...

aww...livey is so stinking cute. you and braden are pretty good at this baby making business, you make some cute kiddos!