Ali tagged me so here it goes: ABC's
A) Age: 23 (Braden insisted yesterday that I was 24, but he's wrong as usual)
B) Birthday: December 27th, 1984
C) Candy or Cake: Cake fo sho. Cheesecake. Crap I want cheescake now.
D) Dessert you love: My mom got me hooked on Paradise's Chocolate Chip cookies for a while there. But I also LOVE Neilsen's Brownie Delight with pecans and carmel. And fried ice cream. And those crunch cones from Dairy Queen. And pistachio ice cream. I could go on for days.
E) Easiest person to talk to: My mom & Kathie. I swear I spend about 97% of my time venting to them about my life, and I'm never mad at them so they get to hear it all.
F) Favorite Song: Right now its Blackbird by The Beatles. Thats what I sing to my kids to put them to sleep at night.
G) Gold or Silver: I like both equally, but my wedding ring is white gold
H) Habit: ICE. I eat Sonic crushed ice like it's my job. Braden got me this fabulous Victoria's Secret Pink water bottle for mothers Day (along with a bunch of other awesome pregnant things) and fill that baby up like 4 times a day with ice at Sonic. Its ridiculous
I) Instruments you play: None. I just dance.
J) Job title: I am a web designer, a marketing director, an entrepreneur, a freelance decorator, a dance teacher, a human reproducer, a wife and a momma. Hardest jobs by far are the last two, no joke. I would love a day off sometime soon.
K) Kids: Olivia (almost 2), Landen (almost 1), and Penelope (almost born).
L) Love or Lust: Love by a landslide. After you do lust for so many years, you totally get over it and realize the benefits of love.
M) Married or SIngle: Married to Braden Watson. I always feel gay saying nice things about Braden, but right now I'm not mad at him so I'll go ahead and say he's a pretty cool cat. Most of the time.
N) Next to you: My kids & Braden. Yeah, we all sleep in the same bed. It's ridiculous.
O) One wish: That my kids would stay little and sweet and never leave me.
P) Person you called last: Ashly to find out who got kicked off So You Think You Can Dance
Q) Quotes: Like from myself or a quote I like? I got a funny one. So my mom was looking through the ads in the Sunday paper and she comes across an ad for Dick's Sporting Goods (they're putting up a huge one at San Tan Mall) and she literally yells " DICKS!?! What the hell?" I literally peed my pants I was laughing so freakin hard.
R) Reasons to smile: Braden is going to finish painiting the kids rooms this weekend! Hooray! Now we'll be ready for Penelope
S) Steak or pork: My mom makes the most amazing pork ribs you will ever eat. When I die and go to heaven, that's whats going to be for dinner every night.
T) Turns you on: I am 8 months pregnant. Absolutely nothing. It's really hard for me when my stomach literally sticks out a foot and a half, my bones ache all day, its 110 degrees and I am 20 pounds heavier than I should be, and I'm getting kicked in the rib cage all day long. Sorry Braden
U) Unique Talent: Making babies. I swear I am most fertile person on the planet. I should start a business or something. I feel like getting pregnant is all I do.
V) Veggie: I like potatoes WAY too much. Especially the french fry variety
W) Woke up at what time: 1:53 am. It is now 4:17 am. This has been my life for 3 years straight now.
X) Xrays you've had: None. Just ultrasounds
Y) Your favorite color: Peacock blue right now. I'm trying to convince braden that our bedroom needs to be peacock blue & celdon green but he's not buying it.
Z) Zodiac: Capricorn
I'm gonna tag Calli, Jesse, & Kelsey (Kelsey you REALLY need to update your freakin blog sista)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tagged by Ali (Rodgers) Cash
at 3:45 AM
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I love it! And by the way why are you waking up at 1:30 in the morning your crazy. Don't you worry 3 kids is that much harder but also that much more fun. You will do great. Keep up the good work momma.
Oh crap!! I'm mad at you for tagging me. This is the longest one I have ever seen!
And yours just made me hungry! Oh man
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