Friday, May 16, 2008

Purse Party

My mom & sisters are having a purse party tomorrow (Saturday) at my mom's house at 2332 E. Emelita CIr. Mesa, AZ 85204 from 11am-1 pm. They've got some Chanels. some Juicys. some D & G. and some Coach stuff, so if you are looking for a new bag for cheap, stop by!


Heather said...

Oh I love purse parties, let me know when you're having another one.

And about dance I would love the newsletter, and thanks for letting me know it's not happening for the next two weeks!

my email is

☂niki. said...

ya, send me the newsletter. my email is i'm kind of intimidated to come :/ do we have to go to both nights? oh, and to sign up for my classes, just call the store. the number is on the website. thanks girl! hopefully i'll see ya soon!

Ali said...

hey how are things your girls are soo cute. So what are you up to these days besides being a mom. talk to ya later

Ali said...

That's so funny cause i saw Landen on there I just for some reason knew you had 2 girls. Everyone thinks my middle girl piper is a boy she doesn't have any hair and looks a lot like tyler's family. Tell your husband honest mistake and he does look like a boy, but tattoo's always help.